Tag Archives: Weight Watchers

How To Determine If You’re Obsessed With Your Scales


Count how many of the below you do.  Add them up then multiply by 7.  Divide by 6, carry the 12 and you’ll come up with the year you were born!

~ You wake up in the morning, pee, and then hop on the scales.  Depending on the result, you strip off your pajamas despite the fact you know EXACTLY how much those pjs weigh.


~ After breakfast, you need to know how much you gained….even though you eat the exact same thing every morning so you know EXACTLY how much that food weighs.


~ You’re afraid to drink too much water even though the logical side of your brain knows you need it for weight loss and overall health….but you are mentally imagining the number on the scales rising with every sip.


~  You check before you leave for the gym, as soon as you get back, and again after you slam down your protein shake.  But NOT while you’re at the gym because someone might see you doing this, or worse yet, how much you weigh.


~ You know exactly where to stand to get the lowest readout.

~ You stop in the middle of a blog about scale obsession to go weigh in.


~ After showering, you step on.  Then you dry your hair and step on again.


~ Even though you’re on your scales 258 times a day, you’re mortified when your ear, nose, and throat doctor asks you to step on theirs.


~ You wrote this post.

Logically, I know the picture at the top of this post is true.  The number on the scale has nothing to do with who I am, or whether I’m succeeding or failing in life.  When I was a personal trainer, I used to tell my clients that weight was just a number, not a true measure of overall health.  Though the number of times you step on it might be a measure of your overall MENTAL health.  Crap.

1978!  Good trick, huh?


Filed under Fitness, Musings