Tag Archives: Cheerleader

More Misunderstood Song Lyrics

When I was a kid and Wayne’s World was all the rage, one of my favorite bits they used to do was about misunderstood song lyrics.  The CCR picture above has probably my all time favorite.  I sing about the bathroom on the right every time I hear Bad Moon just to make myself chuckle.  I then went on to marry the KING of getting the words wrong.  Coincidence?

This summer I was fortunate enough to go camping with my family, college BFF (J) and her husband (S).  The topic came up around the campfire of how when the very popular song Cheerleader came out, (S) thought they were saying, “I think I found myself a jellybear.” We all agreed….that’s not even a thing.  I told the story about when we almost named our daughter Layla based almost entirely on Wilford’s (if you haven’t read my other posts regarding why I call my husband that…oh well) thinking the Eric Clapton song was called “HeyLove.”  And that he thought Van Halen was signing about Cannonballs not Panama.  On and on we laughed.

Today I woke up super early – hours before my alarm – and not feeling very well.  My ankle hurt a lot and I’ve weened myself off the hard pain killers so maybe that had something to do with it.  Wilford was still sound asleep, which I can openly admit, I was super jealous about.  As I’m tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable enough to drift back off, he’s next to me intermittently snoring and cutting the cheese.  Both at an impressive volume.  After an hour and a half of his symphony, I shook him awake and asked if he was supposed to be up and moving by now.  He said “yeah, probably” and then with his next breath IMMEDIATELY started sawing logs again.  Being the wonderful wife that I am, I nudged him and said, “By the way….your musical tops and bottoms are really on point this morning.”

Now we were in the darkness of the wee hours and I was waiting to see what he had for me next.  I wasn’t expecting the following exchange, but here it is:

(W) Hey….honey?

(Me) Yes dear?

(W) Did you know…….that every rose has it’s thorn?

(Me)  I’ve heard that somewhere before I think.

(W) Oh, okay….But did you know….that every night has it’s dawn?

(Me)  Um hmmm….sounds familiar.

(W) Alright…..Also….every player sings a sad, sad song.


(W) *singing off tune* EVERY PLAYER…

(Me)…Are you saying PLAYER?

(W) Yeah.

(Me) Like play on playa?

(W) No, like maybe he plays the harmonica in the band.

(Me) Wilford, it’s Cowboy.  It’s every COWBOY sings a sad, sad song.

(W) Are you sure about that?

(Me) I, as well as anyone has ever heard the song EVER, even once, is absolutely sure.  It’s the cowboy who sings the song.  THE COWBOY!


(Me) *sighs heavily*

(W) I win, player.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I’m one lucky gal.  Sorry ladies, this cowboy is taken.  The line forms to the right….where the bathroom is also located.

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Filed under humor, injury, Marriage, Musings